The penultimate show upon us, what a mixed bag of stories to entice you with for the final outings for Fourth Estate!
Firstly, though, we resurface the growing confusion surrounding the debate that plagues the National Broadband Network (NBN) following a parliamentary request by Shadow Communications Minister, MALCOLM TURNBULL, to review the plan under a cost benefit analysis and productivity scheme, which didn't make it.
Firstly, though, we resurface the growing confusion surrounding the debate that plagues the National Broadband Network (NBN) following a parliamentary request by Shadow Communications Minister, MALCOLM TURNBULL, to review the plan under a cost benefit analysis and productivity scheme, which didn't make it.
JASON RUSHTON braved these deep and murky waters, engaging with NBN spokesman for ACCAN, over the legalities and consumer benefits..
While many presumably watch TV with a grain of salt in terms of the characterisation within our favourite soapies, a new report attacks commercial network executives for creating female characters with chauvinistic aspirations, which, in turn, presents a damaging outlook to the younger demographic that watch these shows.

As ANNIE WYLIE ponders though: should we be looking within the box for our idols or should we in fact be going outside this box more?

As ANNIE WYLIE ponders though: should we be looking within the box for our idols or should we in fact be going outside this box more?
Plus, you've heard of the inaugural journalism award, the Walkley's; maybe the tongue-in-cheek spin-off, the Wankley's, but MIG CALDWELL learns about the latest in media award parodies, THE WONKLEY's, after catching up with dual nominee, satirist BEN POBJIE.
And it may be a little unusual for a 22 year old man to adopt such a stance, but, MICHAEL MCCORMACK-EVANS is a young Briton student who has very serious concerns over the mainstream culture that online pornography has in shaping attitudes towards women. TIM BRUNERO and ANIL LAMBERT go into bat for the everyman and his love of porn...
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