18th-21st June

SBS subs on sub-titling; Hacktivism, and John Brumby: An Unlikely Feminist

  • SBS subs on their sub-titling: Lauren Day - An allegedly over-exaggerated report citing the costs involved in sub-titling is excessive for the resource-poor broadcaster, has led to the axing of staff employed as sub-title writers. But is this just another bad decision made by the network, in an effort to become a commerical success? Featured: Ben Eltham - Centre for Policy Development
  • Hacktivism: Nothing new, except on Facebook: Mig Caldwell - The notion of hacking or forcing entry into another computer account in the hopes of inciting social and political change, or, hacktivism, has been around since the 1980's. A speight of Turkish hacks into individual Israeli's facebook profile's to promote messages of hatred in the aftermath of Gaza flotilla attacks is, however, a first..FEATURED: Stilgherrian - media commentator, freelance journalist; producer of Podcast series: The 9pm Edict; Roger Thompson: Head of Research
  • Victoria wants to legislate against sexist advertising: Mig Caldwell - We all know that sex sells, or at least, judging by the amount of sexually implicit material used to endorse products, we do...And according to Victorian State Premier, John Brumby, it's time Australia said no to the sexual exploitation of women in the communications industry. However, the call to govern the self-regulated advertising code of standards is not sitting well with the industry...FEATURED: Lauren Rosewarne - expert in gender and media studies at Melbourne University; author of such titles as: Cheating the Sisterhood: Infidelity and Feminism
Track: The Jezabels: Easy to Love


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