Universal rights; cyber sexism; Crikey weighs in; industry acting up

This week, we examine the monumental passing of GENERAL COMMENT 31, within the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, as well as online sexism, government intervention within the media and why local actors are unlikely to call Australia home...

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MIG CALDWELL spoke to Queensland University's NICOLAS CARRAH: a media lecturer who felt compelled to offer an opinion on the passing of GENERAL COMMENT 31 under ARTICLE 19 of the UNITED NATIONS' HUMAN RIGHTS declaration, including a policy for free speech within the online context of publication.

At a recent conference held for WIKIPEDIA, it was revealed that 90% of its users are male: an increase over the years. This divide creates an imbalance on the site, with more male oriented topics discussed, and a heavily masculine coverage of all information. ANNIE WYLIE investigates.

According to CRIKEY'S ERIC BEECHER, Government should help fund new media ventures, he says and that Senator Bob Brown and the Greens should stop “posturing about the theory of media diversity and do something about its practice.” as NATHAN COATES found out from speaking with him.

Local production is at an all-time low and the shift towards reality-based TV series is leaving local actors little choice but to pursue their dreams further afield.
Reporter TRACY ALEXANDER speaks to local actors about the limits to AUSTRALIA’S entertainment industry and whether they can be overcome.

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