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This week, we fling the metaphorical bra into the fire, in celebration of the International Women's Day centenary, which makes its annual mark this Tuesday, March 8
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#1: Has the Australian media exploited the sufferers surviving in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake?
Well the online forums were running red hot after the publishing of a piece on the ABC drum by its editor, Jonathan Green, that implied the media has been circling over New Zealand and those left in the wake of the Christchurch disaster like vultures.
Adding her own two cents was phd student, TAMMI JONAS, which was recently published in Crikey and she spoke to MIG CALDWELL
#2: $500 to spam a journo
Recently it was discovered that a list of gaming journalists' details were available to purchase for $500, but what would this mean for potential spammers? JOHN GIBB spoke to ACMA's Spam department to find out the rights of these journalists (if any)
#3: Churnalism
A new website launched in the UK to try and combat the practice of cutting and pasting press releases into news articles without background checking or independent research on behalf of the journalist. MIG CALDWELL spoke to head of Public Communications at University of Technology, Sydney, JIM MACNAMARA about public relations vs the public interest
#4: Feminism: the brand
MIG CALDWELL caught up with feminist and convenor of regular seminars, Cherchez la femme: KAREN PICKERING about why feminism is so undesirable as a public stance
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